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"I'm not done with this marriage and I'm
not giving up on my daughter. This was so encouraging to me."

Empowered Step-Momma, NJ

Hey Moms and Dads

It can be hard parenting in today's world. Your kids have millions of influences speaking into them, and you may feel like they are headed in the wrong direction. All is NOT lost!

We serve a God who is in control. Remember that and reach out. We are built to be in community. I provide the resources and perspective needed to guide your son or daughter into a full, rich life. Together we pray. Together we lead.

All About Dawn

From rags to riches, generation by generation. It's not just a dream. It's my divine blueprint.

My great grandparents started with nothing. Building homes with their hands, working at 11 years of age, calloused hands and dirt on their boots.

But they had a vision.

A vision of freedom.

Not just for them, but for us.

Their legacy that would one day be my gift.

It's biblical inheritance at its finest. Each generation rising higher than the last.

I thought I'd found my place in this grand plan. I landed a job teaching high school at a top 10 public school in NJ. This union, these benefits and pay...I had arrived in an educator's dream job.

But God had other plans.

It hit me like a ton of bricks. A fresh-faced freshman girl, questioning her identity. A boy who lost his dad on 9/11. Both needed more than textbook answers. They needed hope. Truth. God.

And I couldn't give it to them. Not without risking my job.

I chose my paycheck over my faith. And it ate me alive.

I was teaching literature from novels that went against my morals. Yes, on page 11 there is oral sex. I know. Yes, they are worshipping pagan gods. I know. Yes, every book ends in sadness and death. I know it hurts your young hearts. I know better.

Nine months pregnant, on my knees in the nursery, I broke. Begged God for a way out. A way to honor Him in my work. To be there for my kids. I needed freedom to serve my God.

On my knees in prayer with my belly touching the nursery floor, the phone rang. A church job. The pastor was offering the exact $$$ amount I prayed for. God's math at its finest.

I walked through the open door turning away from my retirement, comfortable salary and promise of tenure.

Since then?

Doors have flown open.

Teaching at-risk teen girls.

ESL classes for women in poverty.

Now, a full-time gig at a Christian high school.

Every job was offered to me. I never put in any resume.

Here I am Lord. Send me.

See, at 21, God whispered a promise. "You'll speak to women from stages."

I didn't get it then. But now? Crystal clear.

God has taught me about confidence, languages, finances and public speaking. Opportunities present themselves and I say yes.

My mission? Teach kids freedom. Empower parents. Language and money skills are great, but without confidence and action? Useless.

This fragile world needs faith warriors. God's children cannot be hampered by debt or doubt.

Teens living big, full lives.

Using their God-given talents.

Knowing their identity.

Confident in their God-given purpose.

But there are problems:

-Teens hung up on how others see them.

-Confidence killed by comparison.

-Misplaced identity.

-Schools dropping the ball on character development.

Parents, it's on us. We can't outsource this.

Because here's the truth bomb: God wants good things for us. For our kids. Your grand babies. For generations to come.

It's time to break any generational cycles holding our kids back.

Trauma * Disappointment * Bullying * Debt * Instability * Mental health battles * Families divided

End satan's reign over your family.

He wants to devour and divide.

We will rise up together. Claim our divine inheritance. Put our trust in The One Who directs our paths.

Prayer focus- Ephesians 2:10

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

Who else here trusts that their children are born with purpose?

Let me loan you my hope.

We serve a big God. 

Love in Christ,






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